Theoretical and Practical HiC Workshop


  • Kasia Oktaba - Instructor
  • Hans Nuetzmann - Instructor
  • Selene L. Fernandez-Valverde - Instructor
  • Francisco Javier Pérez de los Santos - Instructor
  • Jesús Emiliano Sotelo Fonseca - Instructor
  • América Ramírez Colmenero - Instructor
  • José Antonio Corona Gómez - Helper
  • Evelia Lorena Coss Navarrete - Helper
  • Mariana Tiscareno Andrade - Helper
  • Mayra Flores Barraza - Assistant


You can consult the schedule here:


Experimental protocol

Link to exp protocol PDF Protocol.

Bioinformatics Syllabus

  1. Introduction to next generation sequencing techniques and HiC data.
  2. Quality control of HiC data.
  3. HiC read alignment
  4. HiC Matrix construction and correction
  5. HiC Data formats and visualization
  6. Compartment Analysis
  7. Differential interactions