Theoretical and Practical HiC Workshop


Software Prerequisites

For the course you will need to install R and R studio (If your version is a bit old please update it):

To download R:

You need to follow the CRAN download link and choose your favorite server and your operating system (Linux, Mac or Windows).

To download R Studio:

You will also need to install Docker:

Choose your system on the left hand side menu and follow the installation instructions.

Once installed you will need to install the following Docker image via the command line:

$ docker pull lizfernandez/hic-langebio

To check it is running correctly use the following command:

$ docker run -i -t lizfernandez/hic-langebio /bin/bash

Once the prompt opens type:

$ HiCUP-master/hicup

You should see the help for hicup. You can exit the docker image just typing:

$ exit