Matrix Visualization
Learning objectives
- Use juicebox to visualize a HiC matrix
- Use HiCExplorer to generate images of a matrix slice
Juicebox interactive visualization
A common visualization task for HiC data is to interactively explore the matrix for quality control purposes, to generate hypothesis or to confirm expected interaction patterns.
For the first part of the practical, we are using the juicebox browser interactively.
- Load a HiC matrix
- Explore multiple resolutions and corrections
- Lock resolutions and zoom
- Add compartment information.
- Explore a distance normalized matrix
- Load a second HiC matrix as a control
- Add 1D tracks
- Add 2D tracks
- Export an interesting view
HiCexplorer for command line visualization
Another visualization approach is to include a command in a script that automatically generates figures. This is useful for generating reproducible workflows.
We will use the HiCexplorer command line tools for this purpose.
First, let’s plot a square matrix. This might be useful to explore large regions. Let’s take a look at the whole chromosome.
hicPlotMatrix --perChromosome --matrix --outFileName ZmMC_500k_corrected.png
Now let’s try the same plot, but on a log scale.
hicPlotMatrix --perChromosome --log1p --matrix --outFileName ZmMC_500k_log.png
Now open both plots and compare.
open full_matrix_log.png
open full_matrix.png
We can also plot a smaller region.
hicPlotMatrix --log1p --region 2:125000000-130000000 --matrix --outFileName ZmMC_50k_region_log.png
We can compare differences between our conditions by plotting a difference matrix.
hicCompareMatrices --operation log2ratio --matrices --outFileName
hicPlotMatrix --perChromosome --matrix --outFileName ZmMC_ZmEn_500k_log2.png
Another approach is to plot the upper triangle of the diagonal. This is particularly useful to plot the matrix alongside with other data tracks.
The hicPlotTADs function requires a track configuration file like the following one:
[hic matrix]
file =
title = Hi-C data
transform = log1p
file_type = hic_matrix
depth = 300000
Copy and paste the configuration file above and save it as “hic_track.ini”. You can use the nano editor for this.
hicPlotTADs --tracks hic_track.ini --region 2:127000000-128000000 -out ZmMC_10k_horiz_mat.png